TeeGlazedIt LA Vlog w/ Lefty Gunplay, X4, JP, Sukiahna, NLE Choppa, Big Frank


T this [ __ ] oh this store come on grill what Else I got I see Huh oh I got a m bag that [ __ ] got old Already I need some new [ __ ] you got to inv me your money too MCM yeah o that's a hard jacket huh I Would have rocked it with a white te but The white te don't stand out with the Change I'm Next I want to get Next I'm next hey guess what I met sh Russell Wilson Russell Wilson's a little [ __ ] on the set he little as [ __ ] Russell Wilson even notice was bust R and she was Lefty G I love you Sweetheart like she give me bu R shook My hand and then Uh that sh was crazy that F had this Miss yelli in them they had the whole Stap Center pack F from the top to the Bottom we right there backstage with That's where you was at Genesis RJ L you I'm keeping my head down but I [ __ ] him Knocked them out huh I'm knocked that [ __ ] out huh lined up too get Lined up I had snake bites at the time That's 8th grade N grade fly you pretty I'm getting lined up I'm knocking out With the swimmers Michael fell [ __ ] but They were Connecting they were connecting they're Connecting swi you know when you hitting The nose it's a rap you get in the no

That throw you off your game no are the Nose the eyes like like say the temp the Ear right here equilibrium oh you know Who be 4X just be knocking [ __ ] [ __ ] out that's a big ass fool I wonder If he really got hands I talk to him he Look like he [ __ ] up hey the guy hey You know who got hands Brock Lesnar it Hit the guy the guy you had at at your At at the at the production the shoot Hey what happened with with Mike Tyson And that white boy he was a fighter Wasn't he oh they pushed it back to November November cuz Mike had a medical Problem Joe Rogan he made it look right That Logan Paul only fights fo's he can Win it's all set up he I'll squabble With that let me train for 3 months and I'll start getting high let me train for 3 months I'll start getting high I'll Squabble that four month I hit it full Pay-per-view tell that I said I need That on the hood I for three months Logan Paul Months Right get Knocka get I'm oh yeah I'm going get y your clothes For yall eat Too you got camera right yeah yeah Record you hold to Sh said cute no I Did I did not Said what

Ay [ __ ] look at me [ __ ] Oh I Thought you I thought you he pulled Too [Applause] Close [ __ ] She no Did oh my daddy [ __ ] you going get this [ __ ] right Today that's what we're not going to do All right you a big old [ __ ] you know That yeah I know how old you is a d you A dug you want us to do that you got That fat ass over there like that we Going to be here by I can switch some [ __ ] up what you got you got some Clothes in there hey don't know but I Look good in this n cuz you got to wear That for the country [ __ ] oh well [ __ ] It bro don't you got Mery [Music] Yeah I know you got no shch or nothing Yall can let me see what I put just Switch his F real fast I put I put the Shirt on and then change the P you can Keep the duck Bo for real I bet I can I Bet I Can I bet I can keep the lose lose the Hat lose the Glasses I can't see I can't a got no Prescription the damn thing on me [ __ ] All that put the damn thing Oh Maness know what I'm Saying like I ain't trying to smoke

Trying to really SM godam it [ __ ] like that [ __ ] [ __ ] looks right don't worry About h no SM cigarettes [ __ ] look it Help enance to move that what you saying Come on UCLA we we to go late we got this so After this we going to go there After I don't know why You I'm trying to tell you you Toit [ __ ] I listen right had the lighter He said he said lighter Lighter got that that [ __ ] smoke Cigarette here take this uh Native American cigarette oh Oh oh [ __ ] a bit

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